Home > Blossary: Finance & Investment
M&A Glossary of Terms

Category: Business

303 Terms

Created by: kirb

Number of Blossarys: 2

My Terms
Collected Terms

A product that is being tested by potential customers prior to being formally launched into the marketplace.

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

A measure of volatility of a public stock relative to an index or a composite of all stocks in a market or geographical region. A beta of more than one indicates the stock has higher volatility than ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

An offering in which the underwriter has no obligation to purchase any securities not sold. The underwriter's commitment is limited to using its best efforts to sell as many securities as possible at ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

One one-hundredth (1/100) of a percentage unit. For example, 50 basis points equals one half of one percent. Banks quote variable loan rates in terms of an index plus a margin and the margin is often ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

A relatively large principal payment due at a specific time as required by a lender.

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

A financial statement that has been examined by an independent auditor who has expressed an opinion on the financial statement based on an audit. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

Things of value owned by a company are assets. Assets can be tangible (i.e., physical), such as inventory, land, buildings, or equipment, or they may be intangible (i.e., things a company has a legal ...

Domain: Financial services; Category: 

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By: kirb