Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
Industry: Government
Number of terms: 15199
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The federal agency that runs the Medicare program. In addition, CMS works with the States to run the Medicaid program. CMS works to make sure that the beneficiaries in these programs are able to get high quality health care.
A procedure that gives a dissatisfied claimant an opportunity to present reasons for the dissatisfaction and to receive a new determination based on the record developed at the hearing. Hearings are provided for in §1842(b)(3)(C) of the Act.
A medical code set of physician and other services, maintained and copyrighted by the American Medical Association (AMA), and adopted by the Secretary of HHS as the standard for reporting physician and other services on standard transactions.
An administrative code set that classifies health care providers by type and area of specialization. The code set will be used in certain adopted transactions. (Note: A given provider may have more than one Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Code.)
Public, private, formal, and informal programs and support systems, government laws, and finding ways to meet the needs of the elderly, including: housing, home care, pensions, Social Security, long-term care, health insurance, and elder law.
The number assigned by the Social Security Administration to an individual identifying him/her as a Medicare beneficiary. This number is shown on the beneficiary's insurance card and is used in processing Medicare claims for that beneficiary.
Designation that an M+C organization has been reviewed and determined "fully accredited" by a HCFA-approved accrediting organization for those standards within the deeming categories that the accrediting organization has the authority to deem.
Detailed data about individual services provided by a capitated managed care entity. The level of detail about each service reported is similar to that of a standard claim form. Encounter data are also sometimes referred to as "shadow claims".
A prescription drug that has the same active-ingredient formula as a brand name drug. Generic drugs usually cost less than brand name drugs and are rated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be as safe and effective as brand name drugs.
A residence that provides a room, meals, and help with activities of daily living and recreation. Generally, nursing home residents have physical or mental problems that keep them from living on their own. They usually require daily assistance.
The frequency of new occurrences of a condition within a defined time interval. The incidence rate is the number of new cases of specific disease divided by the number of people in a population over a specified period of time, usually one year.