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Translation & localization
1) The converting of one language into another for the purpose of facilitating understanding and 2)The process of adapting a language for a specific country or region, or translation of a product into another language so it is marketable in a specific country or region
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Photography; Professional photography
在即時視圖和影片錄製過程中可用的焦點模式。 期間即時視圖和錄製,相機不斷重點主題的影片。與不同的 AF-C,但是,在哪個自動聚焦必須啟動按下快門釋放按鈕到一半,自動對焦相機進入即時視圖或選擇自動對焦 F 模式時啟動。時按下快門釋放按鈕中途和焦點鎖定這一立場在快門釋放按鈕時,使用單伺服自動對焦的照相機重點。全職伺服 AF 恢復釋放快門釋放按鈕時。"伺服"這種 ...