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Translation & localization
1) The converting of one language into another for the purpose of facilitating understanding and 2)The process of adapting a language for a specific country or region, or translation of a product into another language so it is marketable in a specific country or region
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Earth science; Mapping science
(其主要的成分是暫停,使它的旋轉軸指向天文北一陀螺儀 1) 一個指南針。引力扭矩和地球自轉相結合,使能耗和追查出橢圓錐,如果議案不受約束的旋轉的陀螺儀的軸。上作軸沿曲面的螺旋向內和結束北移動,旋進動議,因此對抑制的力量。在高緯度,陀螺羅盤成為滑頭。 ...
Earth science; Mapping science
該過程時測量水準距離坡地面,控股只短長度的磁帶水準的和標記的長度的結束點將它們下麵的編帶針放在地上。磁帶通常擴展到其完整長度從起始標記和連續的部分長度舉行的水準。 ...