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Translation & localization
1) The converting of one language into another for the purpose of facilitating understanding and 2)The process of adapting a language for a specific country or region, or translation of a product into another language so it is marketable in a specific country or region
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Kitchen & dining; Cutlery
也稱為梅紮盧納 (義大利語:"半個月亮") 的形狀,因為乖戾的刀子是半圓形高度彎曲葉片使葉片會來回搖動一再堅硬的表面上的控制碼。這種搖擺的議案是羞羞答答和砧板的理想選擇。一些乖戾的刀均附帶與相匹配的刀曲率的圓碗形壓痕的木菜板。某些型號有增加他們乖戾的力量彼此平行的兩個刀片。 ...