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Translation & localization
1) The converting of one language into another for the purpose of facilitating understanding and 2)The process of adapting a language for a specific country or region, or translation of a product into another language so it is marketable in a specific country or region
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鬼的 twitter
Online services; Social media
鬼寫作非常相似,鬼的 twitter 是某人發送推文中其他人的名稱。據稱經常藝人,都使用呢喃不斷發送到他們的追隨者的推文的鬼。
Medical devices; Radiology equipment
用於訪問和終止導線或房子電氣設備的管道身體。為 Clinac 和 Ximatron 的要求的目的,瓦裡安提供電纜拉和安置在照明續同時拉框中,在終止的管道。 ...