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Non-profit organizations
Abbreviated as NGO, and also known as not-for-profit organisation; an organisation that does not distribute its surplus capital to shareholders or owners, but instead uses them to pursue its original goals.They are usually exempt from income and property tax and most often include charitable organisations, trade unions and public arts organisations.
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Literature; General literature
講故事,的人,不到作者的聲音與混淆的聲音。的第一人講述人我的故事禮物中只有一個字元的角度。讀者僅限於觀念、 思想、 和感情的單個字元。為例,巴特梅爾維爾的"比,斯克裡夫納,"律師是第一人稱講述的故事。第一人稱敘述者可以發揮他們的故事中的一個主要或次要的角色。不可靠講述人揭示了事件的某種程度上是作者的解釋這些事件的不同的解釋。經常,不可靠講述人的感知的情節、 ...