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Toys and games

1) Devices that are used exclusively for recreation and play. Toys are most often used with children and pets and as a medium of education and development. Toys are not always obvious in their nature. A simple bottle can be considered a toy if an individual uses it for recreational use. 2) Games are structural activities used for physical or psychological education. In most cases, games are recreation. However, games can also be considered work. For example, a professional soccer game is a career to the participants.

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Literature; Poetry

請參見 Proceleusmatic


Literature; Poetry

作為組成的 tercets,通常以中英文詩,與鏈或聯鎖詩韻,五音的詩歌形式: 阿壩、 bcb、 疾病預防控制中心、 等模式最後還在這首詩 (或每個部分) 的末尾用韻與前面的 tercet 的第二行或押韻對聯添加單獨的行。 ...


Literature; Poetry

設備或組的三條線的詩,其中一起陪襯,或有與毗鄰的 tercet interlaces 的詩韻。


Literature; Poetry

藝術令人滿意的平衡的反對勢力在一首詩,通常指的使用的語言和意象,但常應用於其他元素例如,戲劇性的結構、 節奏模式、,有時作為一個整體的這首詩的審美價值。 ...


Military; General military

經營某些支援岸活動與海軍部隊的永久的主要細分。目前有兩個這種船隊: 太平洋艦隊和大西洋艦隊。


Literature; Poetry

關於這個問題的詩歌中愛或之間競爭對手吟詩 ; 法庭面前英勇的中世紀競爭此外,細分香頌組成的競爭對手之一。

Literature; Poetry

五、 七、 五、 七和生產集中的單個事件、 圖像或情緒本質的七個音節五詩行與日本詩歌經典形式。
