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AIDS prevention & treatment

The prevention and treatment of acquired immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS, which is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The illness interferes with the immune system, making people with AIDS much more likely to get infections. HIV is transmitted through direct contact with HIV-infected body fluids, such as blood, semen, and genital secretions, or from an HIV-infected mother to her child during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding (through breast milk).

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AIDS prevention & treatment


Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment

淋巴細胞能夠將複製的措施的實驗室測試 (擴散) 當接觸到的抗原。


Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment

一種由胰腺分泌和控制血液中的葡萄糖量的荷爾蒙。糖是人體的主要能源。胰島素刺激細胞吸收和使用能源的葡萄糖。無胰島素、 細胞挨餓的能源和建立 (高血糖) 血液中的葡萄糖。胰島素也是指的實驗室取得藥物。 ...


Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment

腎小管 (小尿收集管) 之間的空格會腫脹的腎障礙。間質性腎炎可以損害腎功能,包括廢物和超流體的篩選器從身體的腎能力。


Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment



Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment

實驗室的過程,涉及"洗"從一個感染愛滋病毒的人從精液的流體部分分離精子精液。由於精液包含最集中的愛滋病毒,"洗"精子不應包含任何愛滋病毒。精子洗滌可視為一男子在感染愛滋病毒的合作夥伴對愛滋病毒非協調性夫婦生殖選項。因為精子洗滌未被證實完全有效,情侶使用該過程應勸有關愛滋病毒傳播的潛在風險。 ...

聚合酶鏈反應 (PCR)

Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment

用來生產大量的特定 DNA 片段的實驗室技術。聚合酶鏈反應用於基因檢測和診斷疾病。


Health care; AIDS prevention & treatment

在其中細胞與分泌物收集從內部和周圍的顯微鏡下檢查宮頸的過程。塗片檢查也是指用來檢測在宮頸細胞塗片檢查從獲得任何感染病毒、 潛在癌前期,或癌變細胞的實驗室檢驗。 ...

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