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Catholic church

The Catholic Church is the world's largest Christian Church with 1.2 billion members worldwide. It is among the oldest institutions in the world and has played a prominent role in western civilization. The Catholic heirarchy is lead by the Pope. The Catholic Church is Trinitarian and defines it's mission as spreading the word and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Contributors in Catholic church

Catholic church


Religion; Catholic church

婚姻不忠,或者至少其中之一嫁給另一方的兩個夥伴之間的性關係。 第六條戒律和新約絕對禁止通姦 (2380; 參看 1650年)。


Religion; Catholic church

彌補了錯做或為違法行為,特別是為罪,是對上帝的褻瀆。 由他在十字架上的死,神的兒子提供他出於對父親對我們罪惡的抗命 (614) 作出賠償的愛的生活。 我們有義務對個人的罪孽,對正義和真理,或通過歸還被盜物品或糾正對方的好名字的傷害作出賠償。(2412, 2487)。,請參閱滿意 ...


Religion; Catholic church

歡樂和祝福接收作為生物的履行我們的使命: 分享神性和上帝的洞察力。 上帝把我們放到這個世界來知道,愛,和事奉他,所以來到幸福的天堂 (1720)。


Religion; Catholic church


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