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Distilled liquor
Of or pertaining to any alcoholic beverage obtained by distillation from wine, fermented fruit or plant juice, or from various cereal grains that have first been brewed.
Industry: Beverages
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Distilled liquor
Beverages; Distilled liquor
由大麥、 玉米、 燕麥、 黑麥和小麥等穀物發酵醪。"直威士卡"必須由至少 51%的一粒、 必須不超過 160 證明、 必須為 2 年,歲在橡木桶和不必須稀釋至小於 80 證明。"混合威士卡"是兩個或更多 100 證明直威士卡與中性精神、 輕威士卡或穀物烈酒混合的組合。 ...
Beverages; Distilled liquor
小清涼,任職于舊的老式眼鏡。作與混亂的糖、 冰塊、 威士卡、 杜松子酒、 朗姆酒或白蘭地酒和蘇打水。上綴著的薄荷和水果的小樹枝。
Beverages; Distilled liquor
A broad category of whiskey whereby a portion of old mash is mixed with new to help advance the character & smoothness of the flavor.