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Immunology is the study of the structuree and function of the immune system which is responsible for the protection from invading foreign macromolecules or organisms. It is a broad branch of biomedical science that covers the study of all aspects of the immune system in organisms. It deals with the physiological functioning of the immune system in both healthy states and immunological disorders (autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivities, immune deficiency, transplant rejection); the physical, chemical and physiological characteristics of the components of the immune system in vitro, in situ, and in vivo.

Contributors in Immunology



Biology; Immunology

通過其親合力為固定化穩固的支援 ; 另一種物質的物質的分離純化例如,可以通過共價鍵相連的珠子的抗原特異性抗體分子的列上的親和層析淨化抗原。 ...


Biology; Immunology

親和性抗體的抗原與免疫接種的時間持續的增加。編碼抗體可變區基因經過體細胞超變異與 B 淋巴細胞其受體表達高親和力的抗原的選擇。


Biology; Immunology

聚合的顆粒抗原的抗體。紅色血液細胞以及細菌和惰性粒子覆蓋著抗原 適用。


Biology; Immunology

雜合性淋巴組織細胞能夠產生的抗原特異性受體 (Ig 或 TCR) 只有一個等位基因形式時他們有遺傳的養老要產生兩個。基因以外為抗原特異性受體通常 codominantly ...


Biology; Immunology

負責通過誘導 IgE 合成產生過敏反應的抗原。

T 輔助細胞 2 (Th2)

Biology; Immunology

CD4 的一個子集 + T 細胞的合成細胞因數 IL-4、 白細胞介素 5、 白細胞介素-10 和 IL-13 ;這些細胞因數對過敏原和寄生蟲 (切換到 IgE 和嗜酸性粒細胞活化 B 細胞類) 的反應中占主導地位。 ...

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Biology; Immunology

有選擇地運輸為綁定到 MHC 類我的分子細胞的內質網到細胞質肽的分子。

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