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Six Sigma
Originally developed by Motorola in 1986, Six Sigma is quality management method that helps organizations to improve the capability of their business processes. This increase in performance and decrease in process variation lead to defect reduction and improvement in profits, employee morale and quality of products or services.
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Six Sigma
Quality management; Six Sigma
在驗收抽樣中,一項計畫,供到一個連續的流,個別單位的產品中的應用,這涉及接受和拒絕在股-byunit 的基礎上,採用 100%核對總和抽樣的交替時期。100%的相對量檢查取決於提交產品的品質。連續取樣計畫通常要求 100%檢驗的每個 t 期間繼續進行,直至指定,我,連續被檢查的單位發現一些明顯的缺陷。注: 為單個級別連續取樣計畫,單個 d 取樣速率 (例如,檢查一個單位在五個或一個單位在 10) ...