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Women’s health
Health issues and subjects specific to women, such as menstruation, contraception, maternal health, child birth, menopause and breast cancer. These issues are often related to the female human anatomy such as female genitalia and breasts or to conditions caused by hormones specific to females.
Industry: Health care
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Women’s health
Health care; Women’s health
在人體內的儲存格是中樞神經系統 (記錄和內人化學和電傳輸資訊的系統) 的構造塊。神經細胞的身體,並從細胞體的各種擴展接收和傳輸衝動從和其他神經、 肌肉的組成 神經元細胞或神經元。在乳房組織使乳房觸摸,敏感的神經,讓寶寶的吸吮刺激令人失望或牛奶彈出的反射和牛奶生產。 ...