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A poem or a piece of poetry, as a line or stanza, of a particular type of metrical composition (eg: poesy, stave, stich, hemistich, monostich, distich, tristich, tetrastich, pentastich, hexastich, heptastich, telestich, epithalamion, prothalamion, soliloquy, apostrophe, couplet, rondel/-et, iambic/-s, rondeau, sestina / sextain, sirvente/-s, virelay / virelai, quatrain, allegory, sonnet, romaunt, epic (invocation, canto, rhapsody), epos, ode, palinode, elegy, monody, threnody, dirge, lyric/-s, madrigal, epode, lay, ballad, rune, triolet, villanelle, ballade, envoy, haiku, tanka, hokku, idyll, georgic, eclogue, cento, acrostic, limerick, doggerel, jingle). See foot, meter, scansion, stave, strophe, blank verse, free verse, accent, forced line, prosody, poetry, caesura, orality.

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Поводац (поводник или ланац) је врста конопца (или неког другог материјала) који је повезан за врат или главу животиње како би је држао под контролом.


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