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Immunology is the study of the structuree and function of the immune system which is responsible for the protection from invading foreign macromolecules or organisms. It is a broad branch of biomedical science that covers the study of all aspects of the immune system in organisms. It deals with the physiological functioning of the immune system in both healthy states and immunological disorders (autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivities, immune deficiency, transplant rejection); the physical, chemical and physiological characteristics of the components of the immune system in vitro, in situ, and in vivo.

Contributors in Immunology


信號轉導和轉錄 (STATs) 活化子

Biology; Immunology



Biology; Immunology

涉及到的儲存格,這導致細胞核轉遞的儲存格的外表面上 (例如,通過抗原綁定到其受體) 收到的信號的過程改變了基因的表達。

緩慢反應物質的過敏反應 (SRS-A)

Biology; Immunology



Biology; Immunology

淋巴細胞在淋巴組織豐富的 B 細胞中的圓形或橢圓形的領域。他們是存在的淋巴結皮質和脾白色紙漿中的 。初級卵泡包含有小型和中型的 B 淋巴細胞。次級卵泡其中包含在其中高倍鏡體巨噬細胞 (那些吞噬核粒子) 和濾泡性樹突狀細胞也是目前的生髮中心大 B 淋巴細胞抗原刺激原因發展。 ...


Biology; Immunology

內淋巴濾泡在選擇抗原結合 B 細胞在抗體反應期間至關重要的儲存格。他們的起源是不確定。他們已無法內在化的受體介導的內吞和長時間因而舉行在其表面的抗原抗體複合物的 Fc 受體的 ...


Biology; Immunology

油含有殺分枝桿菌和乳化劑,其中,當乳化與免疫原在水溶液中,注射後增強免疫反應的免疫原的。如果不包括結核分支桿菌的,Termed 不完全弗氏佐劑。 ...

G 蛋白

Biology; Immunology

是綁定 GTP 並將其轉換為本地生產總值在細胞信號轉導的蛋白質。

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